Emma got out of the hospital March 25, but had to be admitted again on April 1st. She had picked up RSV and had to be treated for it so it didn't get into her lungs and cause serious problems. We were there for a week. She had ribaviron breathing treatments three times a day and each treatment took about an hour and a half. She had to have a mask on and breath in medicine for that time. It was no fun.
Emma on Ribaviron
We got out of the hospital on the 9th and have been out ever since (knock on wood). We have loved being a Karma's house. It is perfectly comfortable and cozy and everyone around here is super helpful.
Popcorn Popping. Springtime at Karma's
The family came down on April 18th to celebrate Easter. We colored eggs, hid baskets and killed the dragonfly pinata. We invited over our cousins, Karen, Chris and their kids Tyler, Luke and Jarret for the pinata. My boys think that we have found some long-lost hidden treasure by introducing them to these new 2nd cousins. We played a lot of basketball and loved spending the weekend together. Kind of like a normal family. (That's what Ethan prays for all the time, that our family will be "normal again," as if we ever were.)
Karen making Emma's favorite deviled eggs.Easter was a success!
Emma and I spend our days sleeping (oh, am I in heaven?) and doing whatever we please. She has about 20 pills to take a day and has to be hooked up to either food or fluids for 10-12 hours. We go to the clinic every Wednesday, sometimes to get a check up on her counts, etc., sometimes to get a bone marrow aspirate and spinal tap. On those days we swing by Meredith's house and visit with her or stop and get something to eat.
A few weeks ago we broke every rule (shhhhhh) by going to the Hannah Montana movie. I went on a Monday night because I figured most good Mormons would not go the movies for FHE. It was a good call as there were only 9 people in the theater. I anti-baced the seat and we sat alone. It was super fun and we felt like we had just eluded the doctor police.
We have, of course, been keeping up with our reality TV. We want the deaf kid/mom to win Amazing Race, Melissa to win DWTS (although we love Ty), Tara to win Biggest Loser (or Mike), Danny (although the weird makeup guy will win) to win Idol, and JT (or Taj) to win Survivor. We have it all figured out and spend serious amounts of time on the subject.
The hole house (Ty calls it this because it was a big hole) is coming along nicely. Jeff and his dad spend a lot of time out there getting it ready. Jeff said I should worry about his relationship with the new house as he spends more time with her than me and that he might possibly be in love with her. We should be moved in by the first of June! Mark my words people, the first of JUNE!
Of course, Emma and I won't be there, but hopefully we will not be far behind. We will most likely get to move back to Burley around the first of July! I am so excited and can hardly wait. I just have to keep reminding myself, "one day at a time." (Remember that show with Valerie Bertinelli and Schneider? Oh gracious!)
Thanks again for everything.
Did you know that Jeff and I don't ever pay for gas because an anonymous gas contributor meets us at Maverick to fill up our tanks every time we leave town?
Did you know that someone bought Emma a Christmas tree from the festival of trees and it still stands in my living room to this day?
Did you know that my dentist's wife is picking up Ty and taking that 4-year old to the dentist to get his teeth fixed, holding his little hand and giving him a treat when he's finished being brave?
Did you know that someone brings my family dinner (enough food to feed us for the entire week) every Friday and Sunday?
Did you know that Emma gets $5 from her Grandpa every time she is brave? It's her bravery money and Ty gets Donor Dollars.
Did you know that a friend sacrificed her ENTIRE Christmas and donated it to my family?
Did you know that I have a list a mile long of people I can call for AN-Y-THING?
Did you know that I can call Diane in the middle of the night and she'll pretend to be awake waiting for my call (you know, not an inconvenience) and talk to me for hours?
Did you know my Aunt Karma and Uncle Koyle donate their house to us and let us run the heat and call long distance and use the internet? We love our half-way house.
Did you know my cousins cleaned and polished my Aunt's house to get it prepared for us (as if it were dirty)?
Did you know that Heavenly Father listens to me and answers my prayers?
Did you know that there is not a day that goes by that Emma's (or mine or Jeff's or all of our family's) name is not on the temple prayer roll. Thanks to my temple worker peeps.
Did you know there are angels among us, each displayed and pronounced in a different, but very valuable way?
Did you know there are too many people and too many services rendered to count?
Thank you.
Pea to the Ess. I thank my God upon every remembrance of
Y-O-U, yes, YOU! (Philippians 1:3)